

Level 4


Tap is the one form of dance where the student is following the exact beat of the music and where each student can definitely develop a sense of rhythm and timing. The quick footwork acquired through tap dancing enhances balance, coordination and control. Classes will include correct tap terminology, developing musicality and rhythm through motion. Tap is an American art form and has many different styles. The taps are an instrument. Learn to play the instrument so you can master the art form.

Tap and Jazz are very familiar dance modes. The music is lively, exciting and done at a faster tempo.

Tap works the legs and feet. It also builds aerobic endurance, requiring tiny jumps and hops to transfer weight between steps.

Click to watch a video: Acapella (2017)

Levels 5, 6, 7 and 8

In tap the emphasis is on footwork and the expression of rhythm through sound. The more advanced the dancer, the more intricate the rhythmic patterns and the greater the range of sounds possible. In order to make clear tap sounds and master required weight shifts, the tap dancer must have a loose, relaxed stance and train for control and agility of the feet.

Click here to watch a video: Can Can (2017)

Level 7-8

Combination Class
6-7 year olds

Click here to watch a video: Jitterbug (2017)


Instruction includes:

  • toe-heel
  • heel-toe
  • shuffle hop
  • shuffle step
  • shuffle jump toe
  • shuffle ball change
  • flap
  • stomp
  • stomp hop
  • stomp hop step
  • marching
  • how to count to music

Mauri's School of Dance, Inc.
14380 Burnsville Parkway
Burnsville, Minnesota   55306


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