Notices & Information Notices and information will be posted to the bulletin board and written on the white board in the waiting room. Please check posted information regularly. Letters will be sent home periodically, so please check your student's dance bag. Severe Weather/Snow Closing Procedure In case of bad weather, the studio will close when local schools close. Listen to your local radio station or television station to receive this information. When in doubt, please call the studio before you come to class. There will be information regarding classes in the case of severe weather. Pick Up and Drop Off Procedures
We ask that you come inside the Studio to pick up younger children. Older children may wait in the exterior lobby until they see you. We will allow no students to wait for their parents outside of the building. PLEASE BE PROMPT. YOUNGER CHILDREN OFTEN THINK THAT THEIR PARENTS HAVE FORGOTTEN ABOUT THEM IF YOU ARE NOT THERE WHEN CLASS IS DISMISSED. We completely understand if you are occasionally running a bit late. However, if you are more than ten minutes late in picking up your child, you will be assessed a $10.00 fee. This money will be paid to the teacher that must wait with your child. |